Elder Houghton and Elder Stubbs, Preston England MTC |
Dearest Family,
The MTC is AMAZING! First things first though. That Elder that we met in Sacramento who was going to Birmingham was just the start of a large group of us. At SLC, the two of us joined with two other elders and a sister who were all flying to Atlanta. At Atlanta, we met up with more and more, we walked around and just ran into other missionaries and all got Panda Express to celebrate the fact that we're not going to get Americanized Chinese food for a while. There ended up being eleven of us missionaries on the flight to Manchester all going to the MTC. Right now, most of the missionaries here are going to Birmingham or Scotland/Ireland. There's also a group of ESL missionaries going throughout England. There is a whole district of them and they're all learning English without anyone who speaks their own language. There are three Russians, a Brazilian, some Pacific Islanders, a German sister, and two Chinese Elders. One of the things that Eliza mentioned that I had sort of forgotten about was that we're not allowed to talk about "guys" or "girls" so now we have a rule in our district that if any of the Elders say it accidentally, they owe five pushups. It's great. Anyway, the rest of the missionaries here are already fluent in English. About 70% of the remainder are American. We have a few English missionaries and a few other Europeans and Canadians. There are about sixty missionaries total here.
Elder Houghton
From Luke's Mom--a response to the query about family relationship to his MTC companion, Elder Stubbs:

Elder Stubbs' great great grandfather was Sylvester Oliver Low, who is Luke's great great great grandfather. Sylvester. as a young man, emigrated from Scotland after joining the church. His father was so angry with him for converting to Mormonism that he disowned Sylvester and threw him out of the house. Sylvester's mother gathered up Sylvester's savings and took it to him--providing funds for his passage to the US. On the ship to the US, he met Jacobina Wells Osborne who had defied her siblings in joining the church and emigrating. Sylvester watched over Jacobina and her young daughter Ann Allen Paton, and later married Ann. Sylvester and Ann were the parents of James Paton Low, and James Paton and Sarah Ida Barber were the parents of William Royden Low, who is my grandfather.
Sylvester Oliver Low practiced polygamy, marrying four wives altogether. One of the younger wives was Mary Smith. Mary Smith and Sylvester had a son named Joseph Smith Low, who was close to William Royden Low's age. He and his wife Margaret Newton were the parents of Elder Stubb's grandmother, Elizabeth.
Now, what's extra fun about this is that my mom knows Joseph Smith Low and his wife Margaret well, as "Uncle Joe" and "Aunt Marge." Technically, they were her father (Royden)'s half-uncle and his wife. But Royden and Joe were close in age and bosom buddies--known to be a hilarious duo. It was said that if you got in a car with both of them, you wouldn't stop laughing all the way to SLC (which was about a 16 hour drive). My mom says that Elizabeth Low (Elder Stubbs grandmother), known as "Beth" to them, lived with her family in Edmonton during WWII when Beth was in university. My mom was about 8 years younger, and watched Beth's romance with Oswald Stubbs take place. She remembers Beth as very smart, majoring in finance, and very funny. Oswald was a pharmacist. Beth and Oswald did marry, had several children, then divorced. I'm not sure which of her children is Elder Stubbs' father.
So it looks like this:
Sylvester Oliver Low m. (1858) Ann Allen Paton Sylvester Oliver Low m. (1885) Mary Smith
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James Paton Low Joseph Smith Low
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William Royden Low Elizabeth Low
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Ida Low Kemper Elder Stubbs' father
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Denise Kemper Houghton Elder Stubbs
Elder Luke Houghton
For those wishing to write, please use the Birmingham Mission address at the top of the blog. Postage from US is $1.10.
ReplyDeleteAlso, this quote from Luke's Uncle Rick re: the MTC food. . .
“English cuisine, like English weather, prepare one for the small disappointments of life.”
So does that make them 4th half cousins once removed?
ReplyDeleteGlad to see Luke is safe and well!
Good work on that genealogy. I immediately went to family search and got thoroughly confused. I saw a page that sealed Sylvester to Wilford Woodruff listed now as other parent. I was glad to see David Low and Jame Oliver correctly listed as his parents.
ReplyDeleteElder Tanner is a brother to Zach Tanner, who I worked with on the Christmas concert we had with Brother Craig Jessop, former conductor of the tabernacle choir. Zach has started a musical group in which Julia, Maren, Amy and Carlen have participated. Good family those Tanners.