Bank Holiday! |
Dear Everyone,
First of all, sorry that I didn't get an email out for everyone/the blog last week. It was a bank holiday so the library was closed and we had to use the computers at the chapel.
Secondly, sorry that there are no pictures. My camera is broken-rather pathetically in fact. It's just a little tiny piece of plastic on the battery compartment cover so that it doesn't close. I can take pictures but it's very difficult to keep the battery cover closed while doing so.
Ok, so the childrens' singing group is just about to start "What shall we do with a bouncing baby?" with rattles and jingling things galore. It's a bit distracting. I wonder if it will be "Three little men in a flying saucer" next or maybe "A hedgehog is very prickley." Nope, just "Row, row, row your boat."
This week has been tough for missionary work still. It can be really discouraging when things don't go as you'd like but that's life I guess. The Sisters found this really cool lady who apparently is going to be a golden investigator once we get to teach her later this week. Also, someone who we had a first appointment with cancelled but then texted us back to reschedule (this is a sign that she is elect and not just like all the other people with whom we set up appointmnets who cancel or just don't show up and then never answer the phone or our texts). However, she hasn't texted back to let us know what time would be good so we shall see...
We had Stake Conference in Cheltenham this weekend. It was really good. The Stake Presidency is new since I was in the Stake while serving in Stroud and they have a lot of energy and excitement for sharing the gospel. It was great. The theme for the Stake revolved around the vision that they had created: "We are a Bright and Blessed Beacon of a people, Bound by covenants, and Bringing souls unto the Lord." Then the conference focused on the four aspects of the vision (We are a Bright and Blessed people, We are a Beacon to the world, We are Bound to the Lord by covenants, and We Bring souls to Christ). So it was oretty awesome. Also, I got to see a couple of people from the Stroud Ward. It's interesting because between two member couples called to serve in Stroud, a father and his son who wanted to stay in the ward, and one man who felt more comfortable in Stroud's ward--all of whom live in Gloucester--half of the Stroud Ward is actually from Gloucester. I hadn't really thought of that when I was there.
This week, we will finally have our first coordination meeting with the new Ward Mission Leader (he was sick last week). I am really looking forward to it. Now that the Gloucester District is just the three sets of missionaries in the ward, we have an opportunity to be more focused and working on member missionary work (which could use improvement everywhere...). Hopefully we can get the ward to really know and serve along side us as we try to serve alongside them rather than being there but being largely out of the loop on the workings of the ward and having missionary work as a thing done by just the six of us. Anyhow, it should be good. By the way, I sincerely hope that everyone reading this blog knows the importance of getting to know the missionaries in their areas. You need to have them over to your home. Even if it's just fifteen minutes from 8:45 to 9 or if it's for a small bit of service. You need to know them before you can help them and serve with them. Pray for them. They need it and their Investigators need it. Live the Gospel! If members of the church aren't doing the things they need to to grow their testimonies and strengthen the church, then how can the missionaries ask their investigators to do those very things and be fellowshipped by the membership of the ward?
Anyhow, I love you all and I hope that the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is bringing the light to your life that you need to survive in the changing and dangerous world in which we live today.
Elder Houghton